Mixed Bed Resin (Di-Resin) Cartridges
Mixed Bed Resin are small "plastic bends" designed to remove charged elements (both negative and positive) from water, this process is known as deionization, which is why mixed bed resin cartridges are often referred to as "Di" filters or Di-Resin Filters.
Mixed bed resin cartridges are typically used with/in Reverse Osmosis (RO) or Di systems, where the application requires the "product water" to have little to no mineral content present, or for the water to have a low conductivity.
Such applications include, but are not limited to:
- Lab use
- Medical use
- Aquariums, and fish breeding
- Battery water
- Chrome Plating
Replacing the mixed bed resin.
The Mixed Bed Resin cartridges use refillable shells (either white or clear plastic) to hold the mixed bed resin. This means that when the resin becomes unable to hold any further charged elements (known as becoming depleted or exhausted), the shell can be opened, emptied, and then refilled with new (fresh) mixed bed resin.
The mixed bed resin is available per litre (please see Link), or comes in 25 Litre bags (please see Link).
Specifications on the Mixed Bed Resin (Indion MB 11)
Colour Changing INDION MB 11 is a mixed bed ion exchange resin. It is a mixture of highly purified and super regenerated strong acid cation and strong base anion resins in a 1:1 volume ratio.
When the Mixed Bed Resin is new it is Blue In Colour, and the ion exchange resin starts to bond with elements in the water it will change color to yellow.
The resin is completely depleted (Exhausted) once all the resin has changed color to yellow. Please note that the mixed bed resin can not be regenerated and will need to be replaced once it is depleted.

Ion exchange resins require proper care at all times. The resins must never be allowed to become dry. Resins should, therefore, be always kept in shade. Since Indion MB 11 is supplied in highly regenerated conditions, any exposure to atmospheric air must be avoided as this will convert it to the carbonate form. The resin packing should not be opened during storage.
Dimensions of Cartridges