Mixed Bed Resin (Di-Resin)
Please note that this product is sold Per Litre.
The Mixed Bed Resin is available in 25L Bags as well, please see the following link, https://filtershop.co.za/en/mixed-bed-resin-di-resin-ind-mb-11
INDION MB 11 is a mixed bed ion exchange resin. It is a mixture of highly purified and super regenerated strong acid cation and strong base anion resins in 1:1 volume ratio.
INDION MB 11 is recommended in any non-regenerable mixed bed application where reliable production of the highest quality water is required and where "as supplied" resin must have an absolute minimum of ionic and nonionic contamination.

Ion exchange resins require proper care at all times. The resins must never be allowed to become dry. Resins should, therefore, be always kept in shade. Since Indion MB 11 is supplied in highly regenerated condition, any exposure to atmospheric air must be avoided as this will convert it to the carbonate form. The resin packing should not be opened during storage.
Acid and alkali solutions are corrosive and should be handled in a manner that will prevent eye and skin contact. If any oxidizing agents are used necessary safety precautions should be observed to avoid accidents and damage to the resin.