The "Lubrikit+" O-ring Lubricant is specifically designed to lubricate Water Filter Housing O-rings during installation and maintenance. Ideally, a filter housing o-ring should be lubricated not just during the initial installation of a single housings and/or complete filter system, but also after each time maintenance is done on the housing and/or system.
The Lubrikit+ " dropper" design helps to make the application of the lubricant both easier and neater. While other options such as petroleum jelly can be used to lubricate filter housing O-rings, it does tend the make a mess. Also, the "sticky" nature of something like petroleum jelly, can sometimes make it difficult to get the housing open at a later stage.
There are several benefits to keeping a housing's O-ring adequately lubricated:
- Lubricating the O-ring helps to ensure that the O-ring will "seat" correctly inside or on the " sump" (or groove) on the top of the housing's body that the lid will screw onto.
- Lubricating the O-ring will also help to ensure a better seal with the housing
- Lubricating the O-ring will help to make it easier to open and close the housing. Keep in mind when closing a filter housing it should only be done with hands, and not the housing spanner, as this can lead to "over-tightening" the housing leading to either damage or making the housing very difficult to re-open. The housing spanner should on be used for opening the housing.
- Lubricating the O-ring helps to protect the O-ring from damage due to friction from opening and closing the housing repeatedly, another reason why the lubricant should be re-applied after each maintenance cycle. Please keep in mind, that despite lubrication, the O-rings on housings can sometimes be damaged from old age, and/or from being " Pinched" (or caught) between the housings base (bottom section) and its lid. At which point the O-ring or Complete Housing may need to be replaced, depending the the design.